Friday, September 17, 2010

Cowy's Beginnings

I haven't for sure decided what to do about Cowy. But I know he'll be back. For now, I will show you where Cowy came from. It all started in 7th grade at an Ice Cream shop in Park City, UT. Its called Cows. I bought a shirt from said shop that had an adorable cow with a lightning bolt scar and it read "Cowy Potter & the Goblet of Milk". My camera is dead or I would upload away. For now, you can get the idea from this shirt, also from Cows:
Cowy Potter is more or less lame than Dairy Potter?
So, thats just how it was. How I came to love Cowy Potter. I thought it was so hilarious as an 11 year old, and it became my email address and eventually this blog title. Cowy first began as a media blog, and I thought this title was fitting because Harry Potter directly or indirectly influences 80% of my life decisions. Now its kind of embarrassing, but it is what it is.


  1. I loooooove it! When we went to Park City and you showed me "Cows" and told me the tale of your love for Cowy Potter I fell in love with the place too. I think its super hilarious as well. Don't be embarrassed about the influence of Harry Potter in your life, embrace it! I make it a point to bring up Harry Potter once a day. It makes me happy!

    Don't let Cowy Potter die! Its epic! <3



  3. Harry Potter influences at least 95% of my daily choices!

  4. keep blogging?
    harry potter determines all my choices. why did i go to byu? it is hogwarts.
